It has been a long since I last posted! The home is still under construction, with a new firewood insert stove coming and a master bath tiled. Still working at SJD and Monticello Temple and walking with a friend, cook less often and look at Pinterest more often, but I get a lot of good ideas and jump up and implement them as fast as I can! Have spent time with the kids and grandkids, playing at parks, walking, sliding, eating, jumping on the tramp, geez it sounds like I am a kid again. Except the bills keep coming and the house needs cleaning and laundry still needs to be done but alas, not as much time is spent doing those things and Liz noticed when she visited last, she says, "I don't want your home to be like an old grandma's where it is dirty and smells! Ah, Ah, the smell of dirty diapers, food on the floor by the high chair, on the wall, diapers on the floor and kids slobber from their naps on the couch! Life is good! That kind of home I am familiar with, I just need to get rid of the smell and light film of sheetrock dust and mud texture and rotting food in the fridge because with just the two of us the food rots before it gets eaten. And sometimes I forget to take the laundry out of the washing machine and into the dryer, fortunately the weather here is dry and no mold yet. It is a nice break to leave the home and the town and fly off to someone else's home, and cook and clean and remember to get the laundry out of the washing machine and get back to the old familiar diaper smell and kids runny noses and noises, then home again to late night movies and eating in front of the tv. However, I am getting a flame of change rising to the surface from the smoldering earthiness beneath this mortal woman. I want to study, learn, grow, work my mind so to speak and not just my body, progress, jumpstart myself in a way that is familiar but different. The book group is starting up again and I look forward to that, maybe a different day at the temple maybe attending as a patron once a month, scripture study, really studying, checking out the Hebrew words and meanings be a Bruce R. McConkie! This is fun I see that I have just typed a whole paragraph, I must need to talk, where's my husband? he won't listen, I'll wait until he gets home around 9:30 pm and set my ipad up while he watches a movie and plan on our next construction adventure! See you later - maybe a lot later!